Michelle Lost 26 POUNDS in Just 6 Weeks!

Sick of tired of being sick and tired, of huffing and puffing when walking up stairs and hills Michelle R. decided it was time for a change. Being the mother of a 9 year old girl, she hated that her weight was stopping her from being active and playing with her daughter.

In September of 2017 Michelle joined our Ignite Challenge where she committed to working out for 30 minutes just three times a week and following a balanced meal plan.

During that time she learned how to make fitness and nutrition sustainable in her life and how making some simple habits can have such a profound impact as in just six weeks Michelle lost 26 pounds and 10% body-fat!

Now Michelle continues to Ignite 3x a week and follow a balanced nutrition plan. She’s still building, but she can now get up and down off the floor without hesitation and had a ton more energy and enthusiasm to play with her daughter!